I’m a fourth-year student at UPenn majoring in CS and Cognitive Science and minoring in Math. I’m an aspiring software engineer who is fascinated by AI and Machine Learning.
I’m originally from New Jersey, and when I’m lucky enough to have free time, you can find me learning how to code with new tech 💻, writing about my experiences ✍️, or rock climbing 🧗♂️.
My goal? To make applications—web and mobile—that draw visitors in and have impact in the real world.
ResumeCreated a playlist generator that applies k-means clustering to a given user's liked songs, grouping tracks together based on audio features collected from Spotify API
Tech Stack: Spotify Web API, Python (Scikit-Learn, Pandas, Spotipy, Seaborn, Plotly)
Implemented React app that allows users to add nodes and edges to a graph, then run various graph algorithms (e.g. BFS, DFS, Dijkstra, finding global bridges, etc.) on the created graph and view live results
Tech Stack: React, HTML, CSS, Material UI
Developed shopping cart app that allows users to view information about CS courses at Penn, add them to shopping cart, and checkout selected courses with receipt
Tech Stack: React, HTML, CSS, React-Bootstrap
Created a habit tracker app that allows users to create, delete, and actively record a number of habits with a game-like interface
Tech Stack: Swift, UIKit
May 2022 - August 2022
Google Ad Manager Team: Built and designed signal for setting Topics API transmitted between client and backend servers in C++. Incorporated and tested business use cases for signal with end-to-end integration testing in Python. Documented necessary code changes and communicated results to coworkers on Google Ad Manager team.
New York, New York
January 2022 - May 2022
Co-teach and grade assignments on modern computational methods in Python for differentiation, integration, data visualization, solving systems of linear and nonlinear equations, and solving differential equations.
Philadelphia, PA
May 2021 - August 2021
Worked on full stack development for real estate web application (texasland.com), implementing front end with NextJS and back end API in Go.
Austin, TX
August 2020 - May 2022
Teach OOP and functional programming fundamentals in Java and OCaml to over 400 students per semester; Lead weekly recitation of up to 25 students to review concepts; Create and update programming assignments
Philadelphia, PA
May 11, 2020
The story and reasoning behind how I started studying CS.
August 23, 2021
An essay on what the concepts of "work" and a "dream job" mean and have meant to me, submitted to The Medium Writers Challenge (2021).
August 16, 2021
An essay on how my mindset toward challenges has evolved over time, with some examples.
Would you like to work with me? Awesome!
Let's Talk